Play together, grow together

Work together, grow together

Eat together, grow together

Children's Centre De Lei
KDV De Spetters 0-4 jaar
KDV De Kwebbels 0-4 jaar
Peuteropvang Olleke bollekes 2-4 jaar


Larikslaan 2

2451 BV Leimuiden


Kwebbels en Spetters

0172 - 508944







7.30 - 18.30 hours



Children’s daycare Leimuiden

Centre for children “De Lei”

Together with primary school “De Lei” and a public school, Child Centre De Lei fuses into a Child Centre where diverse kinds of daycare are provided, e.g.: daycare, before-school care and out-of-school care.

Education and daycare go naturally hand in hand. Like this, children get the chance to develop themselves in an optimal manner.

FloreoKids provides vertical groups (ages 0-4 years) and horizontal groups (ages 2-4 years) in ICC De Lei, as well as pre/before school and out-of-school care for children at primary school ages.

The daycare

The daycare offers three groups. Two groups for children ages 0-4 years and one special group for children ages 2-4 years. We work with the pre-school educational program ‘Uk en Puk”. Together with this program, we focus on the development of language and speech. This program provides a good foundation for elementary school.

You can read more about children’s daycare Leimuiden in our pedagogical workplan.

Choose FloreoKids

Choose FloreoKids

Choose daycare with room for everyone's talent and involvement in the local community. Let’s grow together!

Talentgericht werken

Talentgericht werken

Bij FloreoKids (h)erkennen en stimuleren we de unieke talenten van élk kind!

Location manager

Our daycare locations

